Zhu, Pengfei team published research in Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in 2020 | 527-07-1

Synthetic Route of 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Some low molecular weight alcohols of industrial importance are produced by the addition of water to alkenes. 527-07-1, formula is C6H11NaO7, Ethanol, isopropanol, 2-butanol, and tert-butanol are produced by this general method. Two implementations are employed, the direct and indirect methods. Synthetic Route of 527-07-1

Zhu, Pengfei;Jiang, Linhua;Shi, Yanran;Xu, Ning;Jin, Ming research published 《 Influence of retarders on hydration and microstructure development of cement containing high-volume limestone powder》, the research content is summarized as follows. Limestone powder is widely used in concrete for efficient reduction in hydration heat in the place lacking common supplementary cementitious materials. The sodium gluconate and citric acid have been commonly used as retarders to extend the setting time of concrete during summer construction. To study the influence of retarders on hydration and microstructure development of cement containing high-volume limestone powder, multi-technique methods are employed. Isothermal calorimetry, thermogravimetric anal., X-ray diffraction, mercury intrusion porosimetry and energy-dispersive X-ray analyses in the SEM are used to investigate the hydration process, the content of hydration products, the species of the hydration products, the pore structure of cement pastes and the composition of C-S-H. The results show that the retarders have a better inhibition effect on the hydration of cement containing high-volume powder limestone than on that of cement without limestone powder. At a given dosage, the citric acid has a stronger interaction with the cement containing 30% limestone powder than the sodium gluconate. For the cement containing a high volume of limestone powder, the presence of retarders induces a higher porosity, a larger critical radius and a lower average Ca/Si ratio of C-S-H at 28 curing days. The porosity and the volume fraction pore size smaller than 50 nm have a linear relationship with the hydration degree and the gel/space ratio, resp. However, the critical radius of cement pastes has an exponential relationship with the hydration degree and gel/space ratio, resp.

Synthetic Route of 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts

Zhu, Qian team published research in Science China: Life Sciences in 2022 | 527-07-1

Quality Control of 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

In general, the hydroxyl group makes alcohols polar. 527-07-1, formula is C6H11NaO7, Because of hydrogen bonding, alcohols tend to have higher boiling points than comparable hydrocarbons and ethers. Quality Control of 527-07-1

Zhu, Qian;Chen, Jiayi;Lu, Xiaopeng;Wen, He;Zhu, Wei-Guo research published 《 G9a/GLP catalyzes H3K14me1 and H3K14me2 in vivo and in vitro》, the research content is summarized as follows. A review. In particular, histone lysine methylation is reported as reversible modification by which histone can be methylated by methyltransferases. Histone lysine methylation could occur at different sites and with different methylation. However, the methyltransferases that catalyze H3K14 mono- and dimethylation have not been identified.

Quality Control of 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts

Zou, Dinghua team published research in Construction and Building Materials in 2020 | 527-07-1

Product Details of C6H11NaO7, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

With respect to acute toxicity, simple alcohols have low acute toxicities. Doses of several milliliters are tolerated. 527-07-1, formula is C6H11NaO7, For pentanols, hexanols, octanols and longer alcohols, LD50 range from 2–5 g/kg (rats, oral). Ethanol is less acutely toxic.All alcohols are mild skin irritants. Product Details of C6H11NaO7

Zou, Dinghua;Zhang, Zhenjie;Wang, Dongming research published 《 Influence of citric acid and sodium gluconate on hydration of calcium sulfoaluminate cement at various temperatures》, the research content is summarized as follows. To reveal the effect of set retarders on calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement at different temperatures, plain paste and retarded ones with citric acid and sodium gluconate were prepared Curing temperatures of 20, 30 and 40°C were adopted. Initial and final setting times of fresh paste were measured. Compressive strength of samples at 1 day, and 3, 7, and 28 days were tested. XRD, DSC-TG and SEM were used to reveal the impact of retarders on hydration and microstructure of CSA cement. Results reveal that, retarders extend the setting of CSA cement paste, however accelerate the hydration of it at later age. Finer and more AFt is observed in retarded paste. Nevertheless, rise of temperature diminishes the retarding effect of citric acid and sodium gluconate and meanwhile inhibits the hydration of CSA cement with and without retarders. On most occasions, compressive strength of CSA cement paste increases when retarders are employed with the content up to 1.5%. At the content of 0.5 or 0.25%, retarded pastes achieve the highest compressive strength gains relative to their plain counterpart. This varies with the type of retarders and curing temperature For citric acid and sodium gluconate, the contents are 0.25 and 0.5% at 20°C, resp. With the rise of temperature to 30 and 40°C, the contents are 0.5 and 0.25%, resp. Rise of temperature from 20 to 30°C enhances the gain of compressive strength. However, similar gains are observed at temperatures of 30 and 40°C.

Product Details of C6H11NaO7, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts

Zou, Shuai team published research in Construction and Building Materials in 2021 | 527-07-1

SDS of cas: 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Some low molecular weight alcohols of industrial importance are produced by the addition of water to alkenes. 527-07-1, formula is C6H11NaO7, Ethanol, isopropanol, 2-butanol, and tert-butanol are produced by this general method. Two implementations are employed, the direct and indirect methods. SDS of cas: 527-07-1

Zou, Shuai;Xiao, Jianzhuang;Duan, Zhenhua;Ding, Tao;Hou, Shaodan research published 《 On rheology of mortar with recycled fine aggregate for 3D printing》, the research content is summarized as follows. This study explores the feasibility of utilizing recycled fine aggregates (RFA) in 3D mortar printing (3DMP) by evaluating the properties of 3D printing (3DP) mixtures with different contents of RFA (0%, 50%, and 100%) as well as sodium gluconate (0%, 0.6%, and 1.2%) before and after high-rate shearing from the perspective of rheol., failure pattern and buildability. The results showed that, the incorporation of RFA highly increased the 3DP mixture’s initial value and time-varying rate of the static yield stress, viscosity and area of thixotropy hoop, while adding sodium gluconate decreased them resp. Meanwhile, since high-rate shearing were found to highly decrease the mentioned rheol. parameters of 3DP mixtures, a feeding system which can provide high-rate and continuous shearing was recommended in practical printing to prolong the open time of printing mixtures Besides, a dimensionless buildability parameter λ was proposed and defined as the ratio of accumulated offsets (whether compression or tension) to the theor. height to describe the buildability of 3DP mixtures, which exhibited much higher accuracy than the maximum printing layer, maximum printing height and average vertical strain, resp.

SDS of cas: 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts

Zhang, Yanli team published research in Progress in Organic Coatings in 2022 | 527-07-1

527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, Category: alcohols-buliding-blocks

Category: alcohols-buliding-blocks, In chemistry, an alcohol is a type of organic compound that carries at least one hydroxyl functional group (−OH) bound to a saturated carbon atom. 527-07-1, name is Sodium Gluconate, An important class of alcohols, of which methanol and ethanol are the simplest examples, includes all compounds which conform to the general formula CnH2n+1OH.

Zhang, Yanli;Qiang, Yujie;Ren, Huangwei;Cao, Jun;Cui, Linjing;Zong, Zhifang;Chen, Depeng;Xiang, Tengfei research published 《 Inhibitor loaded functional HNTs modified coatings towards corrosion protection in reinforced concrete environment》, the research content is summarized as follows. In this work, the corrosion inhibitor sodium D-gluconate (SD) was successfully loaded into halloysite nanotubes (HNTs). After that, SD-HNTs-A3@CS/SA smart nanocontainers, achieving controlled release properties of inhibitors, were prepared by the layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly method. The BET anal. found that the pore size inside the halloysite nanotubes increased after etching by 3 mol/L H2SO4. According to the TG results, the loading capacity of corrosion inhibitors increased to three times of the original HNTs. The pH-responsive properties of nanocontainers could be demonstrated by UV-Vis spectroscopy under acidic/basic conditions. Furthermore, SD-HNTs-A3@CS/SA nanoparticles were embedded in epoxy resin to fabricate a smart composite coating. When the SD-HNTs-A3@CS/SA content was 2%, the composite coating exhibited superior anti-corrosion performance towards steel corrosion in concrete simulation solution (containing 3.5 wt% NaCl), with its impedance at 0.01 Hz maintaining 6.4 x 106 Ω·cm2 even after 18d of corrosion immersion. In addition, the anti-corrosion mechanism of SD for steel matrix was investigated by mol. modeling methods. These findings provide new insights into the preparation of smart coatings, expecting a wide range of applications in the corrosion protection of steel and other metals in reinforced concrete environments.

527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, Category: alcohols-buliding-blocks

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts

Zhang, Yuze team published research in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science in 2021 | 527-07-1

Electric Literature of 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Some low molecular weight alcohols of industrial importance are produced by the addition of water to alkenes. 527-07-1, formula is C6H11NaO7, Ethanol, isopropanol, 2-butanol, and tert-butanol are produced by this general method. Two implementations are employed, the direct and indirect methods. Electric Literature of 527-07-1

Zhang, Yuze;Li, Lijuan;Shi, Dong;Song, Fugen research published 《 Synthesis and application of low-cost layered double hydroxides intercalated by gluconic acid anion for flame retardancy and tensile strength conservation of high filling epoxy resin》, the research content is summarized as follows. Epoxy resin (EP) is a polymer that is widely used in different aspects of life, but its flammability property limits its fields of applications. Most flame retardants at present cannot be applied practically in scale due to their toxicity, incompatibility in polymers, degraded mech. property or high cost of raw materials and comprehensive preparation process. Layered double hydroxides intercalated by gluconic acid anion (GLDHs) may serve as a new approach. GLDHs with Mg/Al ratio of 3/1 and 2/1 were first coprecipitated with low-cost green reactants, MgCl2·6H2O, AlCl3·6H2O, NaOH and sodium gluconate. Their structures were confirmed by X-ray diffractions (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), Fourier transform IR spectroscopy (FTIR) and elemental anal.; their thermal properties were analyzed by thermo gravimetric anal. (TGA). Composites containing 40 weight% GLDHs were easily manufactured with normal magnetic stirring without any filler precipitation The combustion properties of the composites filled with 40 weight% GLDHs2 are as follows: the limit oxygen index (LOI) could rise to 29.8% from 25.2% of pristine EP; UL-94 can reach V-1 level with total burning time of only 12.1 s without dropping; compared to pristine EP, the heat release rate peak (PHRR) could drop to 30% with heavy decrease in the smoke production rate and CO production rate. Dynamic mech. thermal anal. (DMA) tests showed that the addition of 40 weight% GLDHs had little impact on the glass transition temperature of the composites and could slightly improve their rigidity and toughness. Tensile strength of the composites filled with 40 weight% GLDHs2 was almost close to 88% of the tensile strength of pristine EP. Above all, GLDHs with good compatibility in polymers can serve as a promising environmental friendly and low-cost flame retardant for EP and other heterochain polymers.

Electric Literature of 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts

Zhao, Mengliu team published research in Food & Function in 2022 | 527-07-1

Category: alcohols-buliding-blocks, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

In general, the hydroxyl group makes alcohols polar. 527-07-1, formula is C6H11NaO7, Because of hydrogen bonding, alcohols tend to have higher boiling points than comparable hydrocarbons and ethers. Category: alcohols-buliding-blocks

Zhao, Mengliu;Cui, Wenxin;Hu, Xinzhong;Ma, Zhen research published 《 Anti-hyperlipidemic and ameliorative effects of chickpea starch and resistant starch in mice with high fat diet induced obesity are associated with their multi-scale structural characteristics》, the research content is summarized as follows. Chickpea starches were isolated from both untreated (UC-S) and conventionally cooked seeds (CC-S), and their multi-scale structural characteristics and in vivo physiol. effects on controlling hyperlipidemia in high fat diet induced obese mice were compared with their corresponding resistant starch (RS) fractions obtained by an in vitro enzymic isolation method (UC-RS and CC-RS). The degree of order/degree of double helix in Fourier transform IR spectroscopy was in the following order: CC-RS > UC-RS > CC-S > UC-S, which was consistent with the trend observed for relative crystallinity and double helix contents monitored by X-ray diffractometer and solid-state 13C cross-polarization and magic angle spinning NMR analyses. The influence of different types of chickpea starch and their corresponding resistant starch fractions on regulating the serum lipid profile, antioxidant status, and histopathol. changes in liver, colon and cecal tissues, and gene expressions associated with lipid metabolism, gut microbiota, as well as short-chain fatty acid metabolites in mice with high fat diet induced obesity was investigated. The results showed that the chickpea RS diet group exhibited overall better anti-hyperlipidemic and ameliorative effects than those of the starch group, and such effects were most pronounced in the CC-RS intervention group. After a six-week period of administration with chickpea starch and RS diets, mice in the UC-RS and CC-RS groups tended to have relatively significantly higher levels (P < 0.05) of butyric acid in their fecal contents. The 16S rRNA sequencing results revealed that mice fed with CC-RS showed the greatest abundance of Akkermansia and Lactobacillus compared with the other groups.

Category: alcohols-buliding-blocks, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts

Zhang, Haiping team published research in Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences in 2020 | 527-07-1

527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, Computed Properties of 527-07-1

Simple alcohols are found widely in nature. Ethanol is the most prominent because it is the product of fermentation, a major energy-producing pathway. 527-07-1, formula is C6H11NaO7, Other simple alcohols, chiefly fusel alcohols, are formed in only trace amounts. More complex alcohols however are pervasive, as manifested in sugars, some amino acids, and fatty acids. , Computed Properties of 527-07-1

Zhang, Haiping;Saravanan, Konda Mani;Yang, Yang;Hossain, Tofazzal Md.;Li, Junxin;Ren, Xiaohu;Pan, Yi;Wei, Yanjie research published 《 Deep Learning Based Drug Screening for Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCov》, the research content is summarized as follows. Abstract: A novel coronavirus, called 2019-nCoV, was recently found in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China, and now is spreading across China and other parts of the world. Although there are some drugs to treat 2019-nCoV, there is no proper scientific evidence about its activity on the virus. It is of high significance to develop a drug that can combat the virus effectively to save valuable human lives. It usually takes a much longer time to develop a drug using traditional methods. For 2019-nCoV, it is now better to rely on some alternative methods such as deep learning to develop drugs that can combat such a disease effectively since 2019-nCoV is highly homologous to SARS-CoV. In the present work, we first collected virus RNA sequences of 18 patients reported to have 2019-nCoV from the public domain database, translated the RNA into protein sequences, and performed multiple sequence alignment. After a careful literature survey and sequence anal., 3C-like protease is considered to be a major therapeutic target and we built a protein 3D model of 3C-like protease using homol. modeling. Relying on the structural model, we used a pipeline to perform large scale virtual screening by using a deep learning based method to accurately rank/identify protein-ligand interacting pairs developed recently in our group. Our model identified potential drugs for 2019-nCoV 3C-like protease by performing drug screening against four chem. compound databases (Chimdiv, Targetmol-Approved_Drug_Library, Targetmol-Natural_Compd._Library, and Targetmol-Bioactive_Compd._Library) and a database of tripeptides. Through this paper, we provided the list of possible chem. ligands (Meglumine, Vidarabine, Adenosine, D-Sorbitol, D-Mannitol, Sodium_gluconate, Ganciclovir and Chlorobutanol) and peptide drugs (combination of isoleucine, lysine and proline) from the databases to guide the exptl. scientists and validate the mols. which can combat the virus in a shorter time.

527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, Computed Properties of 527-07-1

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts

Zhang, Mengxue team published research in Biotechnology Letters in 2021 | 527-07-1

Product Details of C6H11NaO7, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Some low molecular weight alcohols of industrial importance are produced by the addition of water to alkenes. 527-07-1, formula is C6H11NaO7, Ethanol, isopropanol, 2-butanol, and tert-butanol are produced by this general method. Two implementations are employed, the direct and indirect methods. Product Details of C6H11NaO7

Zhang, Mengxue;Zhao, Xingcong;Chen, Xi;Li, Mingyue;Wang, Xuedong research published 《 Enhancement of riboflavin production in Bacillus subtilis via in vitro and in vivo metabolic engineering of pentose phosphate pathway》, the research content is summarized as follows. The production of riboflavin with Bacillus subtilis, is an established process, however it is yet to be fully optimized. The aim of this study was to explore how riboflavin yields can be improved via in vitro and in vivo metabolic engineering modification of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). In vitro, glucose was replaced with sodium gluconate to enhance PPP. Flask tests showed that the riboflavin titer increased from 0.64 to 0.87 g/L. The results revealed that the direct use of sodium gluconate could benefit riboflavin production In vivo, gntP (encoding gluconate permease) was overexpressed to improve sodium gluconate uptake. The riboflavin titer reached 1.00 g/L with the mutant B. subtilis RF01. Ultimately, the fermentation verification of the engineered strain was carried out in a 7-L fermenter, with the increased riboflavin titer validating this approach. The combination of metabolic engineering modifications in vitro and in vivo was confirmed to promote riboflavin production efficiently by increasing PPP and has great potential for industrial application. This work is aimed to explore how to improve the riboflavin yield by the rational renovation of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). In vitro, metabolic engineering mainly uses sodium gluconate as a carbon source instead of glucose, and in vivo, metabolic engineering mainly includes the overexpression of sodium gluconate utility-related genes. The effect of sodium gluconate on cell growth, riboflavin production was investigated in the flasks and fermenter scale.

Product Details of C6H11NaO7, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts

Zhang, Shu-wen team published research in Huagong Sheji Tongxun in 2021 | 527-07-1

Computed Properties of 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Computed Properties of 527-07-1, In chemistry, an alcohol is a type of organic compound that carries at least one hydroxyl functional group (−OH) bound to a saturated carbon atom. 527-07-1, name is Sodium Gluconate, An important class of alcohols, of which methanol and ethanol are the simplest examples, includes all compounds which conform to the general formula CnH2n+1OH.

Zhang, Shu-wen research published 《 Research on reagent applied to back spray of salty wastewater quench tower》, the research content is summarized as follows. With the improvement of national environmental protection requirements, the standards for waste water disposal are becoming more and more stringent, especially for the disposal of salty waste water. More and more local governments have introduced relevant policies to ensure zero discharge of waste water. This article adopts the treatment of salty waste water and solid waste. Combining the field of incineration and backspray, conducted field test and research on related agents. Through the test of different polycarboxylate agents, a single agent and a combination of some two agents were obtained. The incineration and recycling of salty wastewater in solid waste When used in spray, the effect is not ideal. Because each agent has different concentrations of different ions, the effect is not good, so other combinations need to be adjusted.

Computed Properties of 527-07-1, Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.
Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt is a glycol ether that is used as an injection solution. It has been shown to have antibacterial efficacy against wild-type strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro antimicrobial action of D-gluconic acid sodium salt was found to be due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the synthesis of DNA. D-gluconic acid sodium salt also has been shown to have antihypertensive effects in rats through the inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) signaling pathway and erythrocyte proliferation. This drug also has been shown to bind benzalkonium chloride and x-ray diffraction data show that it is crystalline in nature. The analytical method for determining the concentration of D-gluconic acid sodium salt is by electrochemical impedance, 527-07-1.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts