Xu, Xiaotong’s team published research in Science of the Total Environment in 2020-08-10 | 492-62-6

Science of the Total Environment published new progress about Biopolymers Role: OCU (Occurrence, Unclassified), RCT (Reactant), OCCU (Occurrence), RACT (Reactant or Reagent) (soluble microbial products and loose- and tightly-bound). 492-62-6 belongs to class alcohols-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C6H12O6, Quality Control of 492-62-6.

Xu, Xiaotong; Zhang, Hanmin; Gao, Tianyu; Wang, Yuezhu; Teng, Jiaheng; Lu, Mengyang published the artcile< Customized thin and loose cake layer to mitigate membrane fouling in an electro-assisted anaerobic forward osmosis membrane bioreactor (AnOMEBR)>, Quality Control of 492-62-6, the main research area is electro assisted anaerobic forward osmosis membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment; customized thin loose cake layer mitigation membrane fouling; AnOMEBR; Electro-assisted; Electrostatic repulsion; Membrane fouling alleviation; Membrane surface charge.

An anaerobic forward osmosis (FO) membrane bioreactor (AnOMBR) is a potential wastewater treatment technol. with low energy consumption and high effluent quality; however, membrane fouling remains a considerable problem which causes water flux dwindling and shortened membrane lifetime. An electro-assisted, anaerobic forward osmosis membrane bioreactor (AnOMEBR) was developed to treat wastewater and mitigate membrane fouling, where the conductive FO membrane was used as the separation unit and cathode. Formation, development, and alleviation of membrane fouling in AnOMEBR were assessed. Results showed the soluble microbial products content and protein/polysaccharide (PN/PS) value in AnOMEBR were 26 and 15% lower than that in AnOMBR, resp. The sludge mixture absolute zeta value in AnOMEBR was 1.2 times that of AnOMBR. Increased interaction between the membrane surface and neg. charged foulants could inhibit foulant adsorption on the membrane surface in the initial membrane fouling stage. The strong interaction among foulants further affected the composition, structure, and thickness of the FO membrane surface cake layer. AnOMEBR with a shorter hydraulic retention time, higher organic loading rate, and a lower osmotic pressure difference, could still obtain a lower flux decline rate (0.063 LMH/h), 35.7% lower than AnOMBR. The AnOMEBR wastewater treatment capacity was nearly 1.5 times that of AnOMBR. Results provided an efficient strategy to mitigate membrane fouling and improve wastewater treatment capacity.

Science of the Total Environment published new progress about Biopolymers Role: OCU (Occurrence, Unclassified), RCT (Reactant), OCCU (Occurrence), RACT (Reactant or Reagent) (soluble microbial products and loose- and tightly-bound). 492-62-6 belongs to class alcohols-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C6H12O6, Quality Control of 492-62-6.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts