Malerz, Sebastian’s team published research in Journal of Physical Chemistry A in 2021-08-19 | 492-62-6

Journal of Physical Chemistry A published new progress about Acidity (pKa). 492-62-6 belongs to class alcohols-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C6H12O6, Reference of 492-62-6.

Malerz, Sebastian; Mudryk, Karen; Tomanik, Lukas; Stemer, Dominik; Hergenhahn, Uwe; Buttersack, Tillmann; Trinter, Florian; Seidel, Robert; Quevedo, Wilson; Goy, Claudia; Wilkinson, Iain; Thuermer, Stephan; Slavicek, Petr; Winter, Bernd published the artcile< Following in Emil Fischer's Footsteps: A Site-Selective Probe of Glucose Acid-Base Chemistry>, Reference of 492-62-6, the main research area is site selective probe glucose acid base chem.

Liquid-jet photoelectron spectroscopy was applied to determine the first acid dissociation constant (pKa) of aqueous-phase glucose while simultaneously identifying the spectroscopic signature of the resp. deprotonation site. Valence spectra from solutions at pH values below and above the first pKa reveal a change in glucose’s lowest ionization energy upon the deprotonation of neutral glucose and the subsequent emergence of its anionic counterpart. Site-specific insights into the solution-pH-dependent mol. structure changes are also shown to be accessible via C 1s photoelectron spectroscopy. The spectra reveal a considerably lower C 1s binding energy of the carbon site associated with the deprotonated hydroxyl group. The occurrence of photoelectron spectral fingerprints of cyclic and linear glucose prior to and upon deprotonation are also discussed. The exptl. data are interpreted with the aid of electronic structure calculations Our findings highlight the potential of liquid-jet photoelectron spectroscopy to act as a site-selective probe of the mol. structures that underpin the acid-base chem. of polyprotic systems with relevance to environmental chem. and biochem.

Journal of Physical Chemistry A published new progress about Acidity (pKa). 492-62-6 belongs to class alcohols-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C6H12O6, Reference of 492-62-6.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts