Kawashima, Yukio;Onishi, Yuta;Tatarazako, Norihisa;Yamamoto, Hirotaka;Koshio, Masaaki;Oka, Tomohiro;Horie, Yoshifumi;Watanabe, Haruna;Nakamoto, Takashi;Yamamoto, Jun;Ishikawa, Hidenori;Sato, Tomomi;Yamazaki, Kunihiko;Iguchi, Taisen published 《Summary of 17 chemicals evaluated by OECD TG229 using Japanese Medaka, Oryzias latipes in EXTEND 2016》 in 2022. The article was appeared in 《Journal of Applied Toxicology》. They have made some progress in their research.Computed Properties of C14H22O The article mentions the following:
In June 2016, the Ministry of the Environment of Japan announced a program ”EXTEND2016” on the implementation of testing and assessment for endocrine active chems., consisting of a two-tiered strategy. The aim of the Tier 1 screening and the Tier 2 testing is to identify the impacts on the endocrine system and to characterize the adverse effects to aquatic animals by endocrine disrupting chems. detected in the aquatic environment in Japan. For the consistent assessment of the effects on reproduction associated with estrogenic, anti-estrogenic, androgenic, and/or anti-androgenic activities of chems. throughout Tier 1 screening to Tier 2 testing, a unified test species, Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), has been used. For Tier 1 screening, the in vivo Fish Short-Term Reproduction Assay (OECD test guideline Number 229) was conducted for 17 chems. that were nominated based on the results of environmental monitoring, existing knowledge obtained from a literature survey, and pos. results in reporter gene assays using the estrogen receptor of Japanese medaka. In the 17 assays using Japanese medaka, adverse effects on reproduction (i.e., reduction in fecundity and/or fertility) were suggested for 10 chems., and a significant increase of hepatic vitellogenin in males, indicating estrogenic (estrogen receptor agonistic) potency, was found for eight chems. at the concentrations in which no overt toxicity was observed Based on these results, and the frequency and the concentrations detected in the Japanese environment, estrone, 4-nonylphenol (branched isomers), 4-tert-octylphenol, tri-Ph phosphate, and bisphenol A were considered as high priority candidate substances for the Tier 2 testing. And 4-tert-Octylphenol (cas: 140-66-9) was used in the research process.
4-tert-Octylphenol(cas: 140-66-9) is a common environmental pollutant showing weak estrogenic effects.Computed Properties of C14H22O It has been shown to cause harm to vertebrate male reproductive systems.
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