A common compound: 395-23-3, name is Phenyl(4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)methanol,molecular formula is C14H11F3O, it can change the direction of chemical reaction, and react with certain compounds to generate new functional products. A new synthetic method of this compound is introduced below., 395-23-3
The aerobic oxidation proceeded in a 50 mL round bottom with amagnetic stirring bar in it. In the 1st step, certain amount of NHPI andAIBN were mixed with certain amount of cyclohexanone and benzhydrol(6 mmol, 1.1 g) in AcOEt (3 mL), the flask was purged with pureoxygen for three times by a membrane pump, after which it was heatedto 75 C by oil bath for 22 h. In the 2nd step, the temperature of reactionsolution was lowered to 45 C and certain amount of CAN and HFIP(20 g, 12.5 mL) were added and stirred under oxygen for 10 h. Thereaction was analyzed by a Shimadzu gas chromatography instrument(GC-2010) which was equipped with a capillary column (HP-1, 30mlength, 0.25mm diameter, 0.25 mum film) and a FID detector. Biphenylwas used as the internal standard compound. GC-MS tests were conductedwith a Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 instrument.
With the rapid development of chemical substances, we look forward to future research findings about 395-23-3.
Article; Du, Renfeng; Li, Haoran; Wang, Yongtao; Yao, Jia; Yuan, Haoran; Zhao, Chenxuan; vol. 490; (2020);,
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