With respect to acute toxicity, simple alcohols have low acute toxicities. Doses of several milliliters are tolerated. 7748-36-9, formula is C3H6O2, For pentanols, hexanols, octanols and longer alcohols, LD50 range from 2–5 g/kg (rats, oral). Ethanol is less acutely toxic.All alcohols are mild skin irritants. Name: Oxetan-3-ol
Vandenberg, E. J.;Mullis, J. C.;Juvet, R. S. Jr.;Miller, T.;Nieman, R. A. research published 《 Poly(3-hydroxyoxetane) – an analog of poly(vinyl alcohol): synthesis, characterization, and properties》, the research content is summarized as follows. The spontaneous polymer formed from 3-hydroxyoxetane (I) is linear, low-mol.-weight, water-soluble, atactic poly(3-hydroxyoxetane) (II) of high crystallinity with -OCH2CH(OH)CH2OH end units. The highly crystalline nature of II may be related to the crystalline nature of atactic poly(vinyl alc.) since I can be considered a copolymer of vinyl alc. and HCHO. Spontaneous II apparently is formed in a cationic polymerization by the carboxylic acids produced by the air oxidation of I on standing at room temperature for several months. The polymerization can be duplicated by the addition of 2% hydroxyacetic acid to I. The rate of this unusual cationic polymerization increases greatly with acid strength, e.g., trifluoromethanesulfonic acid reacts explosively with pure I. A mechanism is proposed for this cationic polymerization High-mol.-weight, water-soluble, linear, atactic, and highly crystalline II (m.p. = 155°) was made by polymerizing the trimethylsilyl ether of I with the iso-Bu3Al-0.7H2O cationic catalyst followed by hydrolysis. Two 1H NMR methods for measuring the tacticity of II were developed based on finding two different types of methylene units at 400 MHz with the methine protons decoupled. Also, an 1H-NMR method was developed for measuring branching in II. High-mol.-weight, linear II with enhanced isotacticity (80%) was obtained in low yield as a water-insoluble fraction with Tm = 223°. The low-mol.-weight II prepared previously by the base-catalyzed, rearrangement polymerization of glycidol is highly branched.
7748-36-9, Oxetan-3-ol is a useful research compound. Its molecular formula is C3H6O2 and its molecular weight is 74.08 g/mol. The purity is usually 95%.
Oxetan-3-ol is a synthetic hydroxy compound with the chemical formula C6H12O3. It is an organic solvent that can be used in reactions involving vinyl alcohol and oxetane, such as ring-opening polymerization and cationic polymerization. Oxetan-3-ol has also been shown to react with ethyl bromoacetate to form the corresponding oxetane, which can be used as a bioisostere for chloropropane, a potential replacement for chlorofluorocarbons., Name: Oxetan-3-ol
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