The production of acetate derived hydroxyanthraquinones, -dianthrones, -naphthalenes and -benzenes in tissue cultures from Rumex alpinus was written by Van den Berg, A. J. J.;Labadie, R. P.. And the article was included in Planta Medica in 1981.Quality Control of 2′,6′-Dihydroxy-4′-methylacetophenone This article mentions the following:
Tissue cultures set up from roots of R. alpinus were grown on Murashige and Skoog’s medium with kinetin and either 2,4-D or NAA as growth factors. The 2,4-D cultures produced a broader spectrum of hydroxyanthracene, hydroxynaphthalene, and hydroxybenzene derivatives than the NAA cultures. In the 2,4-D cultures the anthraquinones chrysophanol, physcion, and emodin, the dianthrones of chrysophanol and physcion and their heterodianthrone, and the monoglucoside of chrysophanol were identified. Also the naphthalene-1,8-diols nepodin, nepodin monoglucoside, and methoxynepodin were identified. The occurrence of 2-acetyl-orcinol and its monoglucoside was also established. In the NAA cultures accumulation of only chrysophanol, physcion, and 2-acetyl-orcinol could be proved. The yields of these secondary metabolites produced in the NAA cultures were much lower than those produced by the 2,4-D cultures. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 2′,6′-Dihydroxy-4′-methylacetophenone (cas: 1634-34-0Quality Control of 2′,6′-Dihydroxy-4′-methylacetophenone).
2′,6′-Dihydroxy-4′-methylacetophenone (cas: 1634-34-0) belongs to alcohols. Alcohols are weak acids. The most acidic simple alcohols (methanol and ethanol) are about as acidic as water, and most other alcohols are somewhat less acidic. Grignard and organolithium reagents are powerful tools for organic synthesis, and the most common products of their reactions are alcohols.Quality Control of 2′,6′-Dihydroxy-4′-methylacetophenone
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