Tkalec, Ziga et al. published their research in Chemosphere in 2022 | CAS: 149-32-6

(2R,3S)-rel-Butane-1,2,3,4-tetraol (cas: 149-32-6) belongs to alcohols. The oxygen atom of the strongly polarized O―H bond of an alcohol pulls electron density away from the hydrogen atom. This polarized hydrogen, which bears a partial positive charge, can form a hydrogen bond with a pair of nonbonding electrons on another oxygen atom. Grignard and organolithium reagents are powerful tools for organic synthesis, and the most common products of their reactions are alcohols.Computed Properties of C4H10O4

LC-HRMS based method for suspect/non-targeted screening for biomarkers of chemical exposure in human urine was written by Tkalec, Ziga;Codling, Garry;Klanova, Jana;Horvat, Milena;Kosjek, Tina. And the article was included in Chemosphere in 2022.Computed Properties of C4H10O4 This article mentions the following:

Every day we are exposed to a cocktail of anthropogenic compounds many of which are biol. active and capable of inducing neg. effects. The simplest way to monitor contaminants in a population is via human biomonitoring (HBM), however conventional targeted approaches require foreknowledge of chems. of concern, often have compound specific extractions and provide information only for those compounds This study developed an extraction process for human biomarkers of interest (BoE) in urine that is less compound specific. Combining this with an ultra-high resolution mass spectrometer capable of operating in full scan, and a suspect and non-targeted anal. (SS/NTA) approach, this method provides a more holistic characterization of human exposure. Sample preparation development was based on enzymically hydrolyzed urine spiked with 34 native standards and extracted by solid-phase extraction (SPE). HRMS data was processed by MzMine2 and 80% of standards were identified in the final data matrix using typical NTA data processing procedures. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, (2R,3S)-rel-Butane-1,2,3,4-tetraol (cas: 149-32-6Computed Properties of C4H10O4).

(2R,3S)-rel-Butane-1,2,3,4-tetraol (cas: 149-32-6) belongs to alcohols. The oxygen atom of the strongly polarized O―H bond of an alcohol pulls electron density away from the hydrogen atom. This polarized hydrogen, which bears a partial positive charge, can form a hydrogen bond with a pair of nonbonding electrons on another oxygen atom. Grignard and organolithium reagents are powerful tools for organic synthesis, and the most common products of their reactions are alcohols.Computed Properties of C4H10O4

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts