Saavedra Moreno, Yesenia published the artcileClassification of flotation frothers – A statistical approach, Application of 3-Pentanol, the main research area is frother flotation classification statistical approach.
This paper presents a statistical study to classify non-ionic frothers based on seven frother characteristics, mol. weight (MW), hydrophile-lipophile balance, critical coalescence concentration, the min. sauter mean diameter, dynamic foam stability index, static foam stability index, and decay rate index. A principal component anal. (PCA) was conducted to transform the seven frother characteristics into uncorrelated variables called principal components. The first principal component already explained 64.4% of the variance, and the addition of the second and third principal components explained 92.1% of the variance. A hierarchical cluster anal. (HCA) was conducted using the first three principal components. The Euclidean distance, which is the square distance between the standardized coordinates of two frothers in a generalized parameter space, was calculated for all frothers. At a Euclidean distance of 4, frothers were grouped into four groups, in which group 1 consisted of the most powerful frothers that produced stable foams and group 4 was composed of weakest frothers.
Chemical Engineering Science published new progress about Cluster analysis. 584-02-1 belongs to class alcohols-buliding-blocks, name is 3-Pentanol, and the molecular formula is C5H12O, Application of 3-Pentanol.
Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts