γ-Alkylation of Alcohols Enabled by Visible-Light Induced 1,6-Hydrogen Atom Transfer was written by Shu, Wei;Zhang, Hui;Huang, Yan. And the article was included in Organic Letters in 2019.HPLC of Formula: 106-21-8 The following contents are mentioned in the article:
Site-selective remote alkylation of alc. is attractive but challenging in organic synthesis. Herein, we report a novel visible-light mediated γ-alkylation of alc. derivatives via the formation of Csp3-Csp3 bond through Csp3-H bond functionalization under mild conditions. The use of sulfamate esters enables the directed, otherwise rare 1,6-HAT to generate γ-selective C-centered radical, which is complementary to δ-selective 1,5-HAT of alcs. This redox-neutral protocol provides a general and operationally simple method to access γ-alkylated alcs. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as 3,7-Dimethyloctan-1-ol (cas: 106-21-8HPLC of Formula: 106-21-8).
3,7-Dimethyloctan-1-ol (cas: 106-21-8) belongs to alcohols. A strong base can deprotonate an alcohol to yield an alkoxide ion (R―O−). For example, sodamide (NaNH2), a very strong base, abstracts the hydrogen atom of an alcohol. Secondary alcohols are easily oxidized without breaking carbon-carbon bonds only as far as the ketone stage. No further oxidation is seen except under very stringent conditions.HPLC of Formula: 106-21-8
Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts