Durig, Wiebke’s team published research in Science of the Total Environment in 817 | CAS: 122-20-3

Science of the Total Environment published new progress about 122-20-3. 122-20-3 belongs to alcohols-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Organic Pigment, name is Triisopropanolamine, and the molecular formula is C9H21NO3, Application In Synthesis of 122-20-3.

Durig, Wiebke published the artcileApplication of a novel prioritisation strategy using non-target screening for evaluation of temporal trends (1969-2017) of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in archived lynx muscle tissue samples, Application In Synthesis of 122-20-3, the publication is Science of the Total Environment (2022), 153035, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

Most environmental monitoring studies of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) focus on aquatic species and target specific classes of CECs. Even with wide-scope target screening methods, relevant CECs may be missed. In this study, non-target screening (NTS) was used for tentative identification of potential CECs in muscle tissue of the terrestrial top predator Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). Temporal trend anal. was applied as a prioritisation tool for archived samples, using univariate statistical tests (Mann-Kendall and Spearman rank). Pooled lynx muscle tissue collected from 1969 to 2017 was analyzed with an eight-point time series using a previously validated screening workflow. Following peak detection, peak alignment, and blank subtraction, 12,941 features were considered for statistical anal. Prioritisation by time-trend anal. detected 104 and 61 features with statistically significant increasing and decreasing trends, resp. Following probable mol. formula assignment and elucidation with MetFrag, two compounds with increasing trends, and one with a decreasing trend, were tentatively identified. These results show that, despite low expected concentration levels and high matrix effects in terrestrial species, it is possible to prioritise CECs in archived lynx samples using NTS and univariate statistical approaches.

Science of the Total Environment published new progress about 122-20-3. 122-20-3 belongs to alcohols-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Organic Pigment, name is Triisopropanolamine, and the molecular formula is C9H21NO3, Application In Synthesis of 122-20-3.

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