Api, A. M.; Belsito, D.; Botelho, D.; Bruze, M.; Burton, G. A. Jr.; Buschmann, J.; Cancellieri, M. A.; Dagli, M. L.; Date, M.; Dekant, W.; Deodhar, C.; Fryer, A. D.; Jones, L.; Joshi, K.; Kumar, M.; Lapczynski, A.; Lavelle, M.; Lee, I.; Liebler, D. C.; Moustakas, H.; Na, M.; Penning, T. M.; Ritacco, G.; Romine, J.; Sadekar, N.; Schultz, T. W.; Selechnik, D.; Siddiqi, F.; Sipes, I. G.; Sullivan, G.; Thakkar, Y.; Tokura, Y. published the artcile< RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, linalool, CAS Registry number 78-70-6>, HPLC of Formula: 78-70-6, the main research area is .
There is no abstract available for this document.
Food and Chemical Toxicology published new progress about 78-70-6. 78-70-6 belongs to class alcohols-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C10H18O, HPLC of Formula: 78-70-6.
Alcohol – Wikipedia,
Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts