The Best Chemistry compound:C8H10O2

COA of Formula: C8H10O2. About (4-Methoxyphenyl)methanol, If you have any questions, you can contact Ou, W; Xiang, XD; Zou, R; Xu, Q; Loh, KP; Su, CL or concate me.

Ou, W; Xiang, XD; Zou, R; Xu, Q; Loh, KP; Su, CL in [Ou, Wei; Xiang, Xudong; Zou, Ru; Su, Chenliang] Shenzhen Univ, Int Collaborat Lab 2D Mat Optoelect Sci & Technol, Engn Technol Res Ctr 2D Mat Informat Funct Device, Inst Microscale Optoelect, Shenzhen 518060, Peoples R China; [Xu, Qing] Wenzhou Univ, Coll Chem & Mat Engn, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Peoples R China; [Loh, Kian Ping] Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Chem, 3 Sci Dr 3, Singapore 117543, Singapore published Room-Temperature Palladium-Catalyzed Deuterogenolysis of Carbon Oxygen Bonds towards Deuterated Pharmaceuticals in 2021, Cited 50. COA of Formula: C8H10O2. The Name is (4-Methoxyphenyl)methanol. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 105-13-5.

Site-specific incorporation of deuterium into drug molecules to study and improve their biological properties is crucial for drug discovery and development. Herein, we describe a palladium-catalyzed room-temperature deuterogenolysis of carbon-oxygen bonds in alcohols and ketones with D-2 balloon for practical synthesis of deuterated pharmaceuticals and chemicals with benzyl-site (sp(3) C-H) D-incorporation. The highlights of this deoxygenative deuteration strategy are mild conditions, broad scope, practicability and high chemoselectivity. To enable the direct use of D2O, electrocatalytic D2O-splitting is adapted to in situ supply D-2 on demand. With this system, the precise incorporation of deuterium in the metabolic position (benzyl-site) of ibuprofen is demonstrated in a sustainable and practical way with D2O.

COA of Formula: C8H10O2. About (4-Methoxyphenyl)methanol, If you have any questions, you can contact Ou, W; Xiang, XD; Zou, R; Xu, Q; Loh, KP; Su, CL or concate me.

Alcohol – Wikipedia,
,Alcohols – Chemistry LibreTexts